John Farnham - Burn For You
RCA  (1991)
Alternative Rock, Ballad, Funk / Soul, Pop, Pop Rock, Rock

In Collection

7 inch Vinyl    2 tracks  (08:40) 
   01   Burn For You             03:45
   02   The Time Has Come             04:55
Personal Details
Purchase Date 11/01/2020
Price £0.25
Store Betterdaze (Northallerton - Zetland Road)
Location 9XL Record Box 05
Cat. Number Pb44215
UPC (Barcode) 5012394421571
Packaging Sleeve
RPM 45
One of life's happy little accidents occurred tonight when I played this single for the first time. I slapped the single on the turntable, and what came back to me was a happy, upbeat little number... something about giving land back to the indigenous people of Australia, just like a number of Australian singles that came out around that time. "Beds Are Burning" by Midnight Oil is another one that prings to mind straight away.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it, thinking it was keeper. Just out of interest, I went to play the B side, then it occurred to me that WAS the B side! Naturally, I flipped the single over, and... yeah, it's not amazing. Not as good as Farnham's other singles that I'm aware of, and not even close to being as good as the B side.

There have been obvious cases in the past where I've played a single, flipped it over and liked the B side more, but this is complete polar opposites. A song I would most certainly listen to, over a song I'd definitely skip almost every time. The percussion and guitar work is just brilliant. Doesn't appear there was ever an official instrumental, probably because it's an album track.

I wasn't planning to buy any CDs, but I guess I'm going to have to bloody track this down now aren't I?