Various Artists - A Song For Europe 2000
Disctronics  (2000)

In Collection

CD Single    1 tracks  (03:41) 
   01   A Song For Europe 2000             03:41
Personal Details
Purchase Date 03/11/2017
Price £0.10
Store Daisy Chain (Stockton - Portrack Lane)
Cat. Number TIPEURO 2000
Packaging Jewel Case
Sound Stereo
Extras Promo
"A free CD montage given away by your favourite music retailer to any real, true, genuine fans of the EUROVISION SONG CONTEST [caps sic]".

Sampler CD for the UK "Song For Europe 2000" pre-selection contest for Eurovision. In the end Nicki French's song won, and she placed 16th of 24 in the Eurovision Song Contest.